Monday, December 1, 2008

Just a Northern Boy Part 2

One afternoon I decided to take a walk down to the first floor to get something out of the vending machine. As a walked I noticed something in front of someone's room then on the other side I realized there was something just like it. What was it you asked? There were two confederate rebel flags hanging across from each other in front of someone's room. I looked at one that said "OBAMA SUCKS" and stood there a moment and thought wow wait till my RA gets a load of this. I go to the machine and head back to my room. A couple of other people and I were in the midst of decorating the hall so we had to go get supplies from a building on the other side of campus. The person who had the key for the rooms had not seen the flags until we returned and she seemed shocked and appalled, which was pretty funny to me. We decorated the hall and everything then I went into my room and did a little bit more in-depth research on the confederate flag. I eventually came up with the idea of doing a little hall decorating for myself. Out of respect for their own views and what they want to display I decided to put up a reminder to those guys of just exactly who won the war in case they forgot. I printed out a Union Flag and pasted it up on the wall as well as the current flag of the United States of America just as a reminder. Eventually the whole situation got out of hand and the two people who placed these flags up were moved to another building. Me along with other people in my hallway were later asked to write statements about it which I had no clue would go to the dean of housing. At this point I didn't want this situation to go this far because they were talking about expulsion and suspension and personally I'd never want to have someone's college career in my hands or let alone anything I say or write affect it. These students were put on trial in front of different school officials and were sentenced to one year probation and community service because of placing up the flags as well as other activities that turned out to be their doing on campus.

A Grotesque Night in New York City

After taking my girlfriend out to celebrate her birthday and dropping her home. I jump on the 6 train in Harlem and then transfer to the E, the train which has tied for 1st in the most disgusting trains in the NYC Subway system. After stepping on the subway car the mutual bond between the homeless and the regular night traveler is in full display. In the corners or the one seaters are the homeless people most commonly called the bums. The train goes on its regular scheduled trip until it gets to 71st Continental Ave. The conductor says it's the last stop due to signal trouble and kicks everyone off. Hoping the next E train is actually going to the last stop I wait for about 15 minutes and jump on the next train. After sitting there for about 2mins everyone once again is kicked off the train. As everyone files off the train I realized that the natural bond between night traveler and bum has been broken on the station platform. They seemed to come from all directions and a horrid urine type smell filled the air. Holding my breath and hoping that either the people moved or the F train on the other platform came before I suffocated I watched them as they walked around the platform. They had ungroomed faces tattered clothes in disgusting condition. As I watched something I've seen before popped up again. One of them was wearing a hospital bracelet which got me thinking either that was for an actual hospital or maybe it was for an insane asylum or something around those lines. Then as if called by some mysterious noise on the opposite side of the platform they all turned and walked in that general direction. The F train finally came and with the E train not running I had to take a 5 block walk in the freezing cold to the bus along with a 25 minutes wait for the bus. The good thing is I got home safe a sound.